Write like Sarah Palin Contest

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Rut Row
DAMN Grand Poohba
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Write like Sarah Palin Contest

Post by Rut Row »

Oh god... :lol2:

You guys have to read this... :harhar:

Just too DAMN much ... :jack:


read them all here Write Like Sarah Palin Contest
First place: "One night after a long day of campaigning, when the haters had made my spirits reach a nadir, I looked into Todd's eyes, which were as blue as the stripes on Old Glory, and too representing truth and loyalty, and he looked back at me with a twinkle of determination which I hadn't seen since I told him my goal of having another baby in my fifties and naming it Tron, then did I know for sure that I could carry on, like he, and we, have done together all of these years on this long, Iron Dog race of a marriage that is at once grueling and celestial, onerous and majestic."

—Ann Sensenbrenner
Die young as late as possible, remember who you were before the world told you how it should be. -- Barry Morris
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