the world is screwed-stupid people

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DAMN Grand Poohba
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the world is screwed-stupid people

Post by Firebolter »

I had a new set of tires installed yesterday at a NTB. I chose them for the price and proximity. The had decent reviews.
I get there 5 min early. They take my Van and I go to the waiting room. I was told a couple of hours (that usually means 2). I asked and they said YES, WE WILL RE-HANG YOUR SPARE AND RESET THE TPMS, okay cool.
I see my Van sitting for 2 hours and the tires are finally installed. The I see it move to the alignment rack where it sits for an hour. I walk out side and I see my spare sitting on the ground and the tech is nowhere around. The manager and the tech come out and say sir-I say "let me guess, you don't know how to hang the spare back up right?", yes sir-

I try to explain to howdy doody how to do it and the kid keeps trying to do it wrong. On the transit you install the tire holder from underneath and then feed/install the cable from on top. After watching the kid for 2 minutes completely screw it up, I lay on the ground, grab the piece, put in in the tire and hook up the cable and then reel it back up into the cradle. So I tell the kid, youtube has alot of good video's on all of these cars/trucks/vans if you don't know how to do it. I mean I know these effers watch youtube-he just looked at me dumbfounded.

So they finally bring my Van out, I pay and get in the van to leave. Warning light and TPMS light still lit up. So I pull back up and ask for the manager. I tell him the TPMS was not reset and howdy doody says you have to drive it for 15-20 min to reset it-WRONG, I told him you are WRONG. On the FORD transit you have to re-set it to make the light go off and for the system to reset and work properly. I walk around and remove the valve stem caps and there were only 3 on, he had left one off one tire! Manager just shakes hi head.

So I put the key in, turn it to on, hit the emergency flashers button 2 times quickly x 3 times (total of 6) to put the van into TPMS learning mode. Display says go to LF tire and start. On the FORD, you have to LET AIR OUT of the tire and after 5-10 seconds of pressure bleeding off, the horn will go off for a short blast after the sensor registers the air loss and what wheel it is, then you move to the next tire (RF) and repeat until you have done all 4. Then the displays says learning complete, TPMS reset-

So now I tell the manager lets air them back up. 51 front and 71 back. As we start checking the tires, the two fronts were higher than they should have been even with me letting air out on the TPMS reset, so Howdy Doody didn't even air the tires up correctly. Now I am pissed, so I tell the manager, I have no faith in his work, go get me a torque wrench as I don't feel comfortable driving until i know my lugs are correct. He brings me a wrench, I set it to 150 ft lbs as stated by Ford and they were close, but you could tell he just used a gun and didn't hand check them like he is supposed to.

All said and done, 4 hours and 15 minutes and I had to help do the job. I left a detailed write on on the email they sent me post install, we'll see what they say, but I will not do business there again for sure, they are inept and in need of schooling. The thing that kills me, what I said to them is "all of this shit is on youtube, if you don't know how to do something, google that shit, I know you Gen Z'ers know how to use Youtube and google", again the manager rolled his eyes and just said Yes sir-I left, never to return!
Lots of cool bikes---
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Boom Boom
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Re: the world is screwed-stupid people

Post by Boom Boom »

The best min wage help you can get... probably fresh from Mc D burger flipper school.
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