Possible DAMN Rider sighting at Michaux/Caledonia today?!

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DAMN n00b
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Joined: Sat Apr 26, 2008 12:12 am

Possible DAMN Rider sighting at Michaux/Caledonia today?!

Post by SoPaRider »

Was that a DAMN Rider that I saw pulling into Caledonia State Park today (Friday August 20th) around 12:30 P.M., he was driving an SUV and pulling a trailer with a Honda XL/XR 650 tied to it? I was on my DR350S, parked along PA 233 at the entrance to the park. I was doing a mileage check on a section of a dual sport ride that I'm putting together and would have followed you and found out for sure if it wouldn't have screwed up my mileage.

Jeff (SoPaRider)
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