Dark mode?
Dark mode?
Possible to add/enable a dark mode board style? proDAMNdark?
Stephen (not Steve) - '20 Husky 701LR / KTM '20 500 EXC / '17 150 XC-W / '21 E-XC / '21 890R / '19 Sherco 300FST / Sur-Ron LBX / Segway X160 / Sur-Ron Ultra Bee
Re: Dark mode?
I'll put it on the list, but the hard part is still getting off my ass and getting this site moved onto my server.
A potential challenge is that this site has all custom graphics, but I'm handy with an image editor so I'm sure I can manage.
A potential challenge is that this site has all custom graphics, but I'm handy with an image editor so I'm sure I can manage.
2003 Triumph Sprint ST :: 2004 Suzuki SV650R
2016 Beta 300RR :: 2006 Suzuki DRZ400SM
1975 Harley FXE1200
2016 Beta 300RR :: 2006 Suzuki DRZ400SM
1975 Harley FXE1200