ISwag HD Video Camera

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DAMN Grand Poohba
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ISwag HD Video Camera

Post by Firebolter »

I have never been a big GoPro guy, mostly cause I am lazy and it is one less thing to deal with while riding. For the trip out west this year though, I decided to try a cheap one for the hell of it, so I found this little guy

I got it delivered for 79 bucks. It came with a 8Mgb SD card, so it is good to go out of the box to record, once you charge it. I bought a 32 Mgb disk for it, that is the largest the camera can handle. It also comes with a waterproof case and a couple of mounts for the camera.

I got the camera, charged it and have played with it some. Easy to use and set up. Shoots video in .mov or .avi formats and can be set up for stills as well. Shoots 3 different video modes, 720 30 and 60FPS and 1080HD 30FPS. Initial test video I shot looks pretty good. We will see how it works on the trail, but for 79 bucks, if it last just for my vacation, I'll be happy!
Lots of cool bikes---
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